The first annual Bike Your Park Day inspired over 11,000 people in all 50 states, Washington DC, and over 10 countries to do 1,439 rides in their parks and public lands. 12% were new to cycling. Bike Your Park Day has inspired over 40,000 people to ride in their local parks on the same day each year.
Bike Your Park Day generated over 43 million media impressions with the use of Omni Channel marketing and a robust communications plan executed by a staff of three. Participants, sponsors, partners, and 145 national BYP ambassadors promoted Bike Your Park Day in a variety of ways.
40% shared Bike Your Park Day on their social media channels.
28% shared Bike Your Park Day stickers in their community or with friends.
21% shared #bikeyourpark on their social media channels.
24% shared the web link bikeyourparkday.org.
23% included information about Bike Your Park Day in their bike club, bike shop, or meet-up newsletter.
5% hung up Bike Your Park Day posters in their community.
30,000 New Belgium beers with BYP branding consumed and experiences shared on social media.

10 things to know when planning a bike trip – Los Angeles Times